Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Time at the Park

Caine has been to the park a few times since the weather has improved. It was 77 here in Chicago today, so for the first time, we were a bit concerned about overheating. Caine went to the park this morning with Ryan and then again when I got home from work. He didn't run around a lot, but he was panting the whole time. We were there for about 45 minutes when I could tell he wanted to head home. We will continue to monitor him as the weather improves.

I keep a towel and alcohol pads with me when we are out. This way, I can wipe his mouth when he gets hot and frothy and if he does overheat, I can use the alcohol pads to cool his body. We will try the cooling vest Amanda bought for him when it's hotter outside.

He had fun playing with neighborhood dogs today!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Caine has been doing very well. Recently I was in his mouth cleaning it out, and I noticed that there are 3 stitches left. I looked over his discharge papers from the emergency vet and found that they are dissolvable. I called my family vet and asked the about it. They informed me that it can take months for those to dissolve! He's had those stitches for almost 4 months, and it can't feel good to still have them in.

One of the areas where there is a stitch looks a bit pink and swollen and we were worried that it may be painful or become infected. The vets told us to just wait it out.

Thanks for following!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Keep on keepin on

Caine is doing fantastic! He is back to his new 'normal' self. He is playing hard again with Roxie and hyper as ever. You cannot tell he's had an accident until you see the drool or when he pants and there is no pink tongue poking out of his mouth. The patch that was shaved on his side for the feeding tube is also growing back, but we can still see the outline of the shave. He eats dry food soaked in water and then mixed with wet food. He (and the other dogs) love this mix! He gets no more table scraps and we have to be very careful as far as treats. As rewards and treats now he receives organic dog food that comes in the tube form. We just slice it and he can get those down with minimal problems, just a lot of slobber!

He continues to be a love of a dog and has not let this horrible accident get the best of him. We cannot wait until he is in Dog Fancy! We are very proud of how far Caine has come...if he only knew how special he was. Thank you once again for your thoughts and donations!