Sunday, January 10, 2010


Caine visited PetSmart this afternoon and had some beef broth when he got home. We've found that Science Diet is working best as far as the meatballs are concerned.


  1. can he eat ice cubes?

  2. oh we hadn't thought of that...we'll try it. There is a lot of snow and ice right now outside.
    Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Try a pig waterer. you can get it a any feed store.

  4. As a dog lover who would do anything for their pooch, this is a truly uplifing story. Its good to know that there are more people out there who will not give up when times get tough for their dog. Would these people put their kids down if they got sick?? Im sure Caine will be just fine- as my dog is with only suing 3 of her legs- They can adapt much easier than us humans seems to think. Much love to you and your Family!
    -Charly and Sierra

  5. Erin Former Fourth Grade Student
    Hi Ms.T. Caine is so adorable. Im so sorry about what happened to him.:( However some friends and I are figuring out some ways to help. I nearly cried when I read the article about you and Caine in the newspaper. We miss you so much. Try teaching sixth grade next year! I can tell from Caine's picture that I love him even though I've never seen him in person yet! You'll probably hear from us soon! :)
    - Erin and all your friends now at Brookwood Middle School!
